Because I am an empathic sponge that soaks up the energy of who and what is around me, it is so helpful to have worked on having clear boundaries, as well as to live in Ajijic, Mexico, where stress is practically illegal, and children have so many places and opportunities to play, and families are generally close and happy.
I adore witnessing this.
As an empath, I connect to and absorb both human misery, and human happiness.
When I choose the latter, I can fill my heart up with joy and spread it around. It is my responsibility as a lightworker to do just that, to choose environments and people who fill me up, rather than drain my energy.
Witnessing children at play is one of my life’s greatest pleasures.
They remind me of me innocence. And that I have, and always will have, permission, and a responsibility to play.
Yay Children! Rock on!