Louise Hay popularized the phrase, All is Well. It’s a simpler way to echo what A Course in Miracles says: “Nothing real is threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace of God.”

There are stages we go through in developing an all is well state of mind. Here they are, as I see them:

Stage 1. All is not well, and I have ample evidence to prove it. Have you seen the news lately?

Stage 2. All is not well, but I am beginning to realize that the violence, greed, and every man (or country) for himself attitude I see out there is a projection of the conflict going on in my head.

Holy Shit, the world I think is outside of me is an inside job!

Stage 3. All is well. I don’t quite believe it yet, but I want to. It’s my deepest prayer to get this in my bones. I’ll display the bumper sticker and post affirmations on my fridge and bathroom mirror. Gradually it will sink in.

Stage 4. All is well. No more arguments, exceptions, or excuses.

Stage 5All is supremely well all of the time. I surrender. God wins.

I am transitioning from Stage 3 to 4, and have moments of hanging out in Stage 5 each day.

What stage do you spend most of your time in?

Can you make it more OK when you feel not OK?

All Is Still Well Last Time I Checked,

Scott Grace

PS. If you are open to The Spiritual Dr. Seuss humoring, rhyming and rapping about why all is well no matter what you think, check out:

Oh, Dear, The End Times Are Here! (The End of Fear)

If you live or are visiting the Lake Chapala area of Mexico, you are most welcome to come to my casita for an in person session.