Have you no shame? If you do, it won’t last long.

It’s time to treat yourself to a bottle of…

Shame Off You!

An amazing time management tool for spiritual perfectionists, stressed parents, and priests on the go.

Recommended by Adam & Eve! Endorsed by Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, and Dr. Seuss!

Even used by Jesus to give Lazarus that get up and go feeling!

Works on even the most hard to get to shame stains from childhood.

Great for eliminating the following stubborn sources of shame:




*Inner Critic

Ingredients: Rosewater, Essence of Grace, Eternal Forgiveness, & Absolution.

Directions: Use as inner-directed. Shake well and apply to affected area. In a commanding tone, say, “Shame off You!” or “Shame off Me!” Apply liberally. Or conservatively, if you are a Republican.

Return Policy: Shame off You is guaranteed to return your soul to its pre-fig leaf state. If it does not work, you can always return for another life and have another go at it.

Warning: Will not work without willingness. Will not work on ego.

Dis-Claimer: If you don’t claim your right to live shame and blame free, this product, even when used in conjunction with years of therapy, will not get shame off.

To Order: Sorry, Shame off You is temporarily out of stock. Perhaps it is time to take stock of yourself. You can always check with scottsongs.com for other resources to give you that get up and glow feeling, as well as to help you celebrate your original innocence.

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32Jeff Kahn, Janis Baron and 30 others






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