This morning I had the honor of performing a duet of one of my songs with the lovely Becky McGuigan, who I nicknamed the Joan Baez of the Lake Chapala area, which is where I call home in Mexico.

This is not one of my funny or lighthearted tunes meant to lighten you up. It’s meant to faciliate and support deep emotional inner work.

It was 1989 when I was visited by this song.

At that point I had not done any inner work.

I had barely reached puberty, but somehow I penned lyrics that tackle such issues as healing from sexual abuse and recovery from codependency. Looking back on it, it feels like a miracle that it came through me at that young age.

Feel free to share it with those who can use its medicine.

#codependency #sexualabuse #healingmusic #sexualtrauma #trauma #traumahealing #shame