Yesterday a homeless man said he was starving and asked me for some money to buy himself some food.
I said no, but said I’d be happy to go into the grocery store and get him some.
He thanked me, but looked a little disappointed.
When I came out with the goodies, he was gone.
I watched my mind jump to conclusions, making the assumption that he really wanted drugs or alcohol. And then my mind, that endless meaning making machine always hooked up to 5G High Speed judgement, instantly categorized him as less worthy of my love and respect because he was probably hungry for a beer rather than an apple.
And then I caught the trap I was trapping myself in, closing my heart to my brother because I had judged that the way he wanted to satisfy his hunger was not up to my standards of right and wrong, good or bad.
It was I that had eaten a bad apple, partaking from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Aren’t we all hungry for the same thing?
Next time a brother asks me for love in the only form he knows how to receive it, I will consider buying him a beer.
26Tania de Winne, Jill Cohn and 24 others