No matter how you currently feel, I want you to feel better, and I believe tapping along to my new video will do that more powerfully than the other two hundred plus tapping videos I’ve put up on YouTube. Be fully present for the full nine minutes and forty-two seconds, and I promise you will have a healing.YOU WILL FEEL SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER, even if you are feeling dandy as candy already. I would back that up with a money-back guarantee, but, shucks, YouTubes are free. Before tapping, please read this brief set-up, so your mind can understand the healing you are about to have: Is it human nature to resist what sucks in your life? Making something or someone wrong because it’s unpleasant, unwanted, or downright painful is natural and inevitable, isn’t it? Maybe not. Maybe it’s learned, cultural behavior, and can be unlearned as well. Carl Jung said you can’t change anything until you accept it first. Mahatma Gandhi actually chose to have an appendectomy fully present, without any anesthesia.In his autobiography he described feeling waves of intense sensations, but without the pain. Non-resistance is a superpower. Last night at the tapping healing circle i facilitate weekly where I call home, Namaste Village, we did a tapping round on releasing resistance. If you are resisting or judging anyone, including yourself, a physical ailment, a political situation, politician or relative…anything or anyone at all, go ahead and hold it in mind as you tap along with me and my community members: EFT Tapping to Accept Circumstances, People, & Yourself Exactly As Is! Resistance is indeed futile. With Love, Scott Grace PS. Check out my sexy new Coaching Page on a sexy new website being built as we speak. |